Thursday, June 18, 2015

Forever 21 Haul

Lacey and Lovely

Welcome readers!  Today I'll be focusing on a Forever 21 haul from the other day.  I finally a got a few items I've been dying for and I'm so excited to show them off and wear them all the time.  Forever 21 is my favorite store of all time because they have so components that I absolutely adore.
1) They're a Christian based company.  As a Christian, I find it valuable to support Christian organizations and companies that are sending out the right messages. For this reason I do not shop at Hollister, Abercombie, or Brandy.  Personally, I don't believe in the injustice of not allowing people to wear your brand because they are heavier; everyone is going through their own battle and it is important to treat people of all races, genders, and sizes equally.  That's why I support companies that send out the right message to their buyers and don't discriminate. 
2) Reasonable.  Forever 21 doesn't have completely outrageous prices and I love that because it's not like I'm a billionaire people.  I like to get as much as I can for as little money as possible.  Some may argue that then it's cheap and falls apart super fast, well if you know me you know I'll probably wear it a hand full of times anyway so... why spend $50 for a t shirt?  If you catch my drift.
3) They cover all fashion types.  Forever 21 does an excellent job appealing to all styles.  You can be girly, punk, boho chic, preppy, ect.  They will have clothes for everyone.  It also allows you to experiment with new styles that interest you.  I love to look super floral and girly but sometimes I like to try a more edgy look to keep life interesting.
I just really like Forever 21 and shopping there makes me really happy.  Here's what I got:

A Romper!

Finally! Finally! Finally!  I've been wanting a romper for months but have been too busy to go shopping so getting one was super exciting.  This romper is super cute because it's my favorite colors and has pockets?!?! I get way too excited when my clothes have pockets, it's always a really great moment when you accident slip your hand into your pocket and you're like, "What?! I didn't know this was here!"

Me showing off my awesome pockets.

Here's a picture of the two patterns and the fringe at the bottom of the shorts.

I paired it with a cute leaves necklace I bought from H&M freshman year to represent me and my five best friends.

My brown Jesus sandals.

I'm in love with nature; forests just give me peace of mind and clarity.  Not to be that hippy.   I just can always find God in His creation and it's true moving and inspiring.

Here's some abandon horse stables we found, well not really found they are just there.  Fun fact: horses are my least favorite animal because at a young age I was thrown off one and dragged by my foot for a period of time.  The stables looked really cool and old though so that was fun.

Ohh dead tree, how fun.

I was looking at a large bug, it was gross.  Now onward to outfit number two...

Loss Tank Dress

This dress is super vertile and great for all season.  I'm super excited to wear it in fall with some converse and a flannel.  Its important to have key items in a waredore that are simple enough that they can be worn several ways.  That's one reason I got this dress, it's also our school color so it'll be cute for football games! ...Go Wolfpack!?

Some simple Target earring and a scrunchies I got from the beach.

Neat leaf necklace from H&M.

Basic white high top converses from Nordstrom.  Fun fact numbero dos: I was one the Nordstrom Fashion Board.  Ayyo.  I guess you could say I'm a valid source for fashion tips.  Eh maybe?

I'm a ring person, that's the way to my heart.  These are from Forever 21, except the pink one is from a Scandinavian festival.  It's one of a kind just like my bracelet which is from a gun show.

Modest Boyfriend Jeans

Modest boyfriend jeans, as in they have no rips because always classy never trashy.  I'm so pumped about these jeans!  They are high waist-ed, loose, have deep pockets, and are just super comfy.  I'm religious about NEVER buying pants.  I literally just hate pants shopping so much that all my pants have been given to me.  It's ridiculous but pants are so boring to shop for that I just don't, I'll just not wear bottoms thank you very much.  For the first time in five years, I Gail H. bought a pair of pants.  It's a pretty big deal.

I don't know what this was, but it sure was pretty.

My necklace is also from Forever 21 while my t-shirt and flannel are from thrift stores.  In another post I will go into depth on the thrift store adventures because I'm not even going to lie, I'm an excellent thrifter and my knowledge must be shared. 

Bottom half: Flannel, Jeans, and Shoes.

My shoes are from good ole Costco.  No, I'm not buying real Burks are you kidding me?!?  Fashion is full of fads and some aren't worth investing in.  I'm cool with fakes, it's whatever.

Some cool bracelets.  The bottom is reversible between 'Joy' and 'Love' which I think is really neat.  The top says, "His love endures forever" I love this because I find it important to focus your life around Jesus.  I'm really passionate about fashion and I want to use this gift to honor God rather than glorifying myself.

Better view of my pants. I like them a lot.

Just a beautiful world we live in.

High Waisted Shorts (H&M) & Fanny Pack

I've been searching for this location for three years and I finally found it!  It doesn't even live up to my amazing expectations for it.

My shirt was a given to me and I love it because, like half my waredore, it's white and lace.  The high waisted shorts are from H&M and are super comfy.  Lastly, my shoes I got from a thrift store for $5 when I've seen them sold used for $40 at fake thrift store in village. If you go "thrifting" in a down town area that doesn't even count!  You're getting ripped off.  That's all I have to say.

My first bracelet is from Thailand.  The others are from Target and Seal Beach, I like shopping by the beach.

My Forever 21 fanny pack!  Fanny packs are so convinent and awesome.  As a girl pockets are basically nonexistent and purses are a struggle but with fanny packs everything is right at hand.  Sounds like and infomercial but it's great because I can have my phone, wallet, keys, and polariod all on my waist.

Top knots are life.  You can still let your hair flow without your bangs in your face.  Plus it just looks super cute if done right.

Sorry if this seemed goofy or all over the place, I only write at 1am because I'm weird.  Thank you so much for reading and taking time out of your day to read my rant and view my photos.  You're the real MVP, thank you so much for the support.  I plan of Posting every Thursday of the summer but we shall see what happens.  Follow my Instagram at Lacey and Lovely to stay updated on posts.  Have a blissful day!

XO- Gail

Friday, June 12, 2015

Mormon Prom

Lacey and Lovely

Mormon Prom.  No, I'm not Mormon.  Yes, Mormons have their own Prom. This was such a lovely and perfect evening.  This Prom was held at the California Science Center in LA, the venue was absolutely gorgeous and everyone there was simply stunning.  I was lucky enough to be asked by my best friend since 5th grade, Parker Shipley.  I love him so much.  He is such a kindhearted and talent guy with so much potential; he is by far the funniest guy I've ever met.  Dressing to this occasion was difficult because Mormons have a lot of guidelines and it's hard to find modest Prom dresses, especially a week before the dance!  Luckly my good friend Kelsey came in clutch and let me borrow her stunning red dress, which I was sad to give back because it's perfect.  I decided to go with the house wife from the 50's look and pair it with some white wedges from Payless and a pearl necklace that used to belong to my grandma's.  I matched the pearl neck with a pearl clip that pinned up some of my curls.

My date Parker.  This was an extra special opportunity for me because he is leaving to China in June of 2015, so his last dance was with me and I couldn't feel more honored.  I'm going to miss this bundle of joy when he leaves, but I know it's a wonderful opportunity for him.

Mormon Prom was actually my tenth dance (My school Prom being the eleventh), so I'm kinda a pro at putting on boutonnieres.  

These are some of my completely gorgeous best friends (left to right): Kelsey, me, Piper, Brooke, and Cara. I'm just friends with a lot of Mormons, they are cool.

Here's a group shot of all the couples.

This is my friend Brooke. I've known her since first grade and she is my oldest friend for that reason. In first grade we were best friends and I would do everything by her side. Sadly, I changed schools in third grade and we were separated. Now, ten years later we have been reunited and are friends once again. I love this girl and it goes to show you that true friendship never dies. I'm so blessed to have her back in my life. I know this has nothing to do with fashion so I'll add that in. Brooke's dress is absolutely gorgeous. It was the best dress at the Prom and you can get in online, at Amazon I believe. Not only that it comes in an insane amount of colors. It's reasonable, modest, comes in every color, and has sparkles. Clearly its the perfect dress, just saying.

I love this because we are childhood friends and the swings were the place to be back in my day.

I hate those roses that you wear on your wrist, like a lot.  I asked Parker not to buy them for me because I don't like the hassle of it all.  Parker's mom was a real MVP and went out and bought me a bouquet of flowers.  If you know me, you know I'm a die hard fan girl for flowers, instant pathway to my heart is roses and glitter.  She bought me roses covered in glitter!  They were the most beautiful things I've even seen and they smelt like happiness.  They were just so gorgeous and I miss them.  This is definitely going to be want I do for all dances now, say goodbye to corsages and hello to bouquets!

After the super fun van ride of straight jamming, we arrived. This place was decked out with activities, dancing, food, and my favorite: unlimited candy bar! Being the person I am, I had no self control and ate a ton of candy and of course felt sick but...worth. 

Post-Prom. They made us balloon hats and gave us glow sticks.  It was an unforgettable and perfect night... Secretly my favorite dance ever (hush hush).  I hope to be lucky enough to attend next year although it won't be the same without my best friend/ the perfect date who has been there for me the past six years. I love you Parker Shipley!

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you, 
Until we meet again!

XO -Gail